An employee of the month award is a great way to show your team that you value them, but there’s more to it than that.
Besides simply expressing gratitude for outstanding employee performance, a letter of recognition helps foster a positive work environment, encourages teamwork, and gives new employees something to aspire to. Plus, a company culture where everyone feels seen and appreciated is great for employee retention.
But in the digital age, most of us are out of practice when it comes to letter writing. So here are some tips for crafting the perfect employee recognition letter, followed by a few samples.
4 Steps for a Powerful Employee Recognition Letter
For a great letter that truly makes your employee feel special, follow these best practices:
Get Personal
Sending a standard thank you message to all your employees is a good start, but if you really want to show appreciation, it’s got to be personal. Address your letter to the individual employee, and use their first name.
You may also want to mention a unique talent or trait of theirs. This tells your team members that they aren’t just cogs in a machine but valued individuals who are crucial to your overall success.
Highlight How They Went Above and Beyond
Don’t be afraid to get specific. Your employee wants to know what exactly they did that made such an impact, and highlighting their specific achievements is a great way to not only express your personal admiration but inspire the rest of your team to do the same.
Connect it to The Larger Story
Explain why the employee’s actions were so important—did they solve a major problem, make things easier for the team as a whole or help your company stand out to clients or customers? Mentioning how the employee’s choices impacted your company and your mission as a whole will make your letter much more meaningful.
Make it Feel Official
An official award carries more weight than a random letter of appreciation. Include your company logo on the letter, announce the award to the whole team, and, if your employee is comfortable with it, consider giving them a shout-out on LinkedIn.
Employee of the Month Letter Templates
Ready to dive in? Let’s look at some samples. Remember, you’ll want to personalize these and read them carefully to make sure they apply to your employee.
Employee of the Month Letter for Achievement
Maybe you want to recognize your employee for a significant achievement, such as a record-breaking sales quota, exemplary customer service, or an innovation that radically increased productivity. Here’s a template for that. Just click "Make a copy" to get started.

Dear [Employee Name],
In recognition of your outstanding [achievement], you’ve been chosen as the [Company Name] Employee of the Month!
Your [attribute 1, attribute 2], and [attribute 3] are an inspiration to all of us. We were especially impressed by how you [something they did].
Without you, our team would not be where it is today, and we want to thank you for exemplifying our values of [company values].
On behalf of the whole team here at [Company Name], congratulations on being the employee of the month!
[Your Name, Job Title, and Signature]
Sample Letter of Achievement
Now, here’s a sample letter of what this might look like filled out. Click "Make a copy" to get started.

Dear Charlie,
In recognition of your outstanding customer service, you’ve been chosen as the Wonka Employee of the Month!
Your patience, empathy, and enthusiasm are an inspiration to all of us. We were especially impressed by how you found a positive solution for one of our disgruntled customers, which led to them giving us a great review and referring us to their friends.
Without you, our team would not be where it is today, and we want to thank you for exemplifying our values of integrity, vision, and dedication.
On behalf of the whole team here at Wonka, congratulations on being the employee of the month!
Willy Wonka
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Employee of the Month Letter for Long Service
There are some employees who do their job faithfully day in and day out, never asking for recognition. If you want to celebrate a work anniversary or show appreciation for many years of service, here’s a template for that. Click "Make a copy" to get started.

Dear [Employee Name],
I can’t believe you’ve been with us for [number of years] years now!
In recognition of your incredible service day in and day out, you’ve been chosen as the [Company Name] Employee of the Month!
You are truly the backbone of our organization. Your [skills or actions] keep us running, and we wouldn’t be where we are today without you. I know the whole team appreciates your [personal attributes].
Thank you for your outstanding service, and congratulations!
[Your Name, Job Title, and Signature]
Sample Letter for Long Service
Now here’s a sample letter of what this might look like filled out. Click "Make a copy" to customize your own.

Dear Robin,
I can’t believe you’ve been with us for 10 years now!
In recognition of your incredible service day in and day out, you’ve been chosen as the Wayne Enterprises Employee of the Month!
You are truly the backbone of our organization. Your strong leadership and organizational skills keep us running, and we wouldn’t be where we are today without you. I know the whole team appreciates your humorous outlook on life and the interest you take in them as individuals.
Thank you for your outstanding service, and congratulations!
Bruce Wayne
Employee of the Month Letter for Project Completion
Let’s say you want to show appreciation for an employee who was instrumental in completing a recent project. Here’s an employee recognition letter template for that scenario. Just click "Make a copy" to get started on your own!

Dear [Employee Name],
Congrats! You have been chosen as the [Company Name] Employee of the Month!
You’ve been chosen because of your hard work on [recent project] and your [actions or attributes]. We were especially impressed by how you [something specific they did that had a major impact on the project’s success], which was instrumental in helping us [successful outcome of the project].
On a personal note, we appreciate your [personal attribute, such as a sense of humor, friendliness, positive attitude, creative imagination, etc.].
On behalf of the entire team here at [Company Name], we want to say thank you and congratulations!
[Your Name, Job Title, and Signature]
Now here’s a letter sample of what this might look like filled out.
Sample Letter for Project Completion
Here's a sample letter you can customize. Just click "Make a copy" to get started.

Dear Roger,
Congrats! You have been chosen as the Acme Corporation Employee of the Month!
You’ve been chosen because of your hard work on our recent Roadrunner project and your dedication to serving our clients at the highest level. We were especially impressed by how you kept the team motivated and on track, which was instrumental in helping us deliver a product that surpassed the client’s expectations.
On a personal note, we appreciate your enthusiasm and friendly attitude, which helps everyone feel welcome and appreciated at our company.
On behalf of the entire team here at Acme Corporation, we want to say thank you and congratulations!
Marvin Acme
Human Resources Manager
Building a Culture of Recognition
In the age of social media posts, mass emails, and AI-written apologies, nothing says “I appreciate you” like a personalized, printed letter. And being appreciative is key to establishing a healthy culture.
Whether you want to start a regular employee recognition program or simply show some love for your team, an employee appreciation letter rewards your team members for their good work and helps show that you value their efforts to keep your business thriving.