Do you love using Hourly to pay your team? Help other small business owners discover Hourly. When you do, we'll give you a $300 gift card (Visa or Amazon, your choice). Plus, your friend gets $300 to spend on Hourly services. It's our way of saying thanks for sharing.
People love us on Capterra, Google, and G2.
Send paychecks as often as you like.
We send them to your workers for free.
Talk to HR pros anytime.
Build one that helps protect your business.
Send money to your team the same day.
With built-in GPS.
We make it simple.
You can refer up to 3 businesses each year.
You can refer and earn up until December 31, 2024.
They can use it to pay for Hourly's Payroll and HR services.
Hourly Referral Program (Ends 12/31/2024): Open to current Hourly customers in good standing. Limit 3 referrals per customer/year. Participants must be 18+, US residents. Void where prohibited. Referring customers receive $300 gift card (Visa/Amazon); referred customers get $300 credit towards monthly Hourly services. Rewards subject to verification and issued per Hourly payment policies. Fraudulent activity results in disqualification and possible legal action. Hourly not liable for technical errors, equipment malfunction, or other issues impacting program participation. Program terms subject to change without notice; continued participation after changes implies consent. Tax liability on rewards is participant's responsibility.